Job Market Optimism
New Year, new job!
But wait - won't Trump's re-election make this already tough job market even worse for social impact professionals?
Here's the proof, courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics's nonprofit employment data (which does not include government jobs):
The six key takeaways are:
The nonprofit sector is HUGE. It employs 13 million people and is the 3rd largest workforce of any US industry.
The nonprofit employment sector is resilient. There are so many significant global events that happened in this fifteen-year window and yet the sector’s overall employment numbers consistently trend upwards.
Worried about the economy? Nonprofit employment was unaffected by the great recession of 2007-2008 (which cannot be said for the private sector, by the way!).
Nonprofit jobs increased during the majority of Trump’s first term (January 2017 - January 2021).
COVID-19 was the most transformative event, causing the employment dip in 2020.
Employment levels have almost entirely recovered to the point of pre-covid times.
Now, what does this mean for you?
It means your job search mindset can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Here are three mindset shifts I recommend embracing as you search for a job in these uncertain times:
We are HORRIBLE at making predictions. From political polls to sports gambling to stock-picking - even with access to all the information and fancy analytics we still can’t get it right. And I get it. We’re scared! We want that feeling of certainty and stability! But unfortunately, predictions cannot give us that. The world will always be unpredictable and you never know which world event will impact the market the most. Who was worried about a global pandemic before 2020? Instead of buying into the panic and fearmongering, spend your energy:
Growing your skills in navigating uncertainty
Learning to sit with discomfort
Investing in your own sustainability
Creating a cushion or multiple paths for yourself so you always have options regardless of the scenario at hand.
What do I mean by this? When I say “zoom in”, I don’t mean by taking a closer look or focusing on the small things. I mean go inward. Trust yourself - your experience, what you know, and what you need.
When I say “zoom out”, it’s to remember that your career spans decades. Presidents come and go. One job does not define your career! Also, our career needs change as we change. The noise of today doesn’t matter when you take a big-picture view. Plus, you’ll be happier if you listen to your internal compass instead of constantly reacting to your external environment.
You can’t control the news or the economy or job market or issue-area ecosystems or which laws are passed.
But there is still a lot you CAN control, even when just looking at your job search and career. For example, you can control:
•What you prioritize
•Who you network with
•The quality of your applications
•How you protect your peace
•How you handle rejection
There’s a lot to be scared about. There’s also reason to hope.
And I hope that this issue of the Care Package leaves your shoulders feeling just a tiny bit lighter, and the start of your 2025 a tiny bit brighter.
In solidarity,